Tuesday 30 March 2010

Pitching Here is a video I created on Windows Movie Maker about what a pitch is :What makes a good pitch ?

I also created this powerpoint slide on what makes a good pitch :

Good Pitch
View more presentations from charlesamy

Here is an example of a good pitch where Levi Roots endevours to sell his reggae sauce on dragons den.

Levi Roots successfully presents his pitch, it is a good pitch because :
- He engages with the audience who are potentional buyers of his product.
- He shows versatility of the project "so nice with your freid chicken, make burgers finger licking and rice, peas and fish, put some reggae reggae sauce on your list. This makes the product socially disrable making the audience hungry and want to buy his sauce.
- I believe his pitch is so good as he believes in his product. - He adds comical value through his song keeping the audience motavated.
- He presents the pitch through a song and his choice in style of pitch fits in with the title of his "Reggae Reggae Sauce" as he is singing a reggae song.

For our pitch we created a powerpoint presentation wuth custom animations, we used the images to explain to the audience the narrative of our story. The powerpoint presentation we used is located below :

I have also annotated my pitch here too :

Here is our script from our pitch which we produced for the rehersal of our pitch, sorry about the poor quality this was scanned in.
View more documents from charlesamy.

After completing our pitch we collected some feedback of our proposal from our audience. We received some positive criticism :
In addition we received this negative criticism too:

From the audience criticism we were able to develop our narrative further. We has a good discussion using the feedback received to our advantage and derived a critism feedback and developmental page.

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