Wednesday 31 March 2010

Before we are able to create our script for our opening sequence we had to do some research on dialogue and how to script. We were given work sheets on what you should and should not include in a piece of dialogur for a script.

We were also given a script example which is loacted below: this showed us how to set up our script:

Here is our opening sequence script :

You may have noticed that out script is rather short however this is just for our opening sequence and there is a reason to this. In our script we only include one line of dialogue which is a powerful yell of the word Annie. This was intended to shock the audience as well as state the characters name to the audience as she does not actually speak. We wanted to use a song through out our opening sequence to convey the pain, suffering and isolation that Annie faces at home, believing that sometimes silence speaks louder than words. The knocking of the door as someone endevours to open it also shock the audience changing from a lullying tune to aburpt and angry racket this makes the audience want to know how is knocking and why is the bedroom door shut.

Here is our script that we created for the rest of our film not just our opening sequence :

Here is our changed script :

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