Wednesday 31 March 2010

Creating the set
This was one of the hardest and time consuming parts of the project, which required a huge deal of planning and cooperation. It was a huge mission to endeavour to manipulate a media classroom into a bedroom situation.

The Main Bedroom
The bedroom we create was made out of MDF panes which were provided by the drama department, it took a lot of hard work to get the panes as drama was often using them and they clashed with the our time table. When using the panes they were very tall and heavy and we had to transport them to the media room every time we rehearsed, they were held down with brick weights and getting them into position was difficult between the three of us. To make them look more like walls we covered them in pink and white fabrics acting wallpaper, this meant ironing stapling and using a ladder to get to the top of the panes. Our set all together was made up of five wood panes and the set was only half of the room. We only built two walls because this saved time and we felt we could produce our film from our storyboard using these.
Along with actually creating the bedroom set we needed to add the little touches that made this a girly room, this meant bringing in a load of furniture and props from our houses. I got a lift and I brought in a table-chest of drawers, a camping bed, a wicker basket, pillows, photo frames, girly ornaments to make the room seem real.

To make our bed we used a camping bed which we had raised on stage blocks provided by the drama department, we used a bed sheet to neaten up the bed and make it look more lifelike. I believe a big part of making the room seem like a young girls room were the small touches like clothes on the floor, posters and cd’s which we had to set up for several hours the night before filming.

The Door
When filming we did not have a door attached to our set which was included in our scene. We had to shoot a different door and combine the shots making them look realistic whilst editing.

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