Wednesday 31 March 2010

For your project we only needed one character. We were hoping for a mousy brown haired girl with palish skin who looked young enough to play a 16 year old. To start off finding our lead we chose to ask drama teachers if they knew any students that would be interested. We received a list of these and then begun to email them on whether they would like audition of the part. We also asked media teachers of any students that would like to be part in a media film to gain knowledge for their futures. We also found that by using a media student they would understand the importance of the project arguably, in comparison to a drama student. We received feedback off five willing girls. Two where drama students and the others media student. We gave them all a script monologue to read after deliberating who was the best in our opinion to play Annie.

The Winner Is ... Lilly Sansom !
In the end we chose Lilly she was the quieter of the girls however seemed to stand out more as a venerable character we also liked her look as it suited our characters profile we had previously conducted.

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