Wednesday 5 May 2010

What kind of media institution might distribute your media project and why?

Although our film could potentially have the makings of a Disney/ DreamWorks type film as our film is a low budget one, we are more likely to find an independent institution to distribute our film as they are interested in the scripts of young people and there new ideas. In addition, directors of Hollywood block busters are now becoming more interested in the scripts of students and young film makers as they focus on more independent and individual stories that get involved in a characters mindset.

We are more likely to find an institution like Metrodome and Icon Movies as they are independent companies.
Picture taken from Icon Movies website.

We could also distribute our video on youtube, the advantages of this is that youtube is free, people will be given a chance to comment and rate your videos which you could use to improve your next movie idea.

Plus YouTube is one of the most sucessful softwares over the world wide web which can be accessed all over the world, yes you could get your video placed on icon but your are more likely to more intrest rousing from your video on youtube and your distrubution would be faster.

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